How to install libraw1394



Install using apt-get

For a debian based system like Ubuntu, use apt-get

# clone from git repo
sudo apt-get install libraw1394-dev 

Compile from Source

1. Downlowd source code

# clone from git repo
git clone git:// 
# check out tag e.g. 2.1.0
git checkout v2.1.0

2. Configure, build and install

# configure
# build
# install 
make install  # you may need sudo

Set FireWire port permission

By default, FireWire device permission is 600, which means only root can read and write this device and you need to sudo ./program run sample code. To avoid this, we need to create a group, add yourself to the group and set the device permission to 660.

How to set device permission

Download libraw1394 source code

Although, this tutorial can help you get started. It is a good idea to have both libraw1394 and FireWire driver source code for future reference.

# libraw1394 source code
git clone git://

# FireWire driver code

Note: FireWire driver code is under drivers/firewire foler.

Download tutorial code

Download Tutorial