
This tutorial explains how to broadcast packet all nodes. FireWire protocal supports asynchronous and isochronous transfer. The isochronous transfer uses channel number to address listener nodes and essentially is a multicast transfer. This tutorial shows how to broadcast data to all the nodes on the same bus using asynchronous write.

Broadcast packet

The asynchronous broadcast request packet is same as normal asynchronous write packet (quadlet/block), except that the destination id (node id) is set to 0xffff to indicate that it's a broadcast.

Put a table here

Sample Code

Sample code can be found at

Code snippet ```cpp


int rc; # return code raw1394startwrite(handle, addr, bla, bla)

The `raw1394_start_write`

## Caveat
**Speed**: In FireWire driver __core-cdev.c__

## Reference 
For more detail check libraw1394 source code and kernel driver/firewire
