How to setup website with Github pages

Document how to setup a personal website like this.


How to create publication page

  1. create a bibtex file
  2. use bibbase.org service
  3. bibbase supports:
    • special tag usl_Paper to add link to PDF files
    • special tag usl_Link is used to link paper page
    • doi link

Use rvm commands

# install rvm 
# see https://rvm.io
# open a new shell, s.t. rvm is in the path

# install ruby (e.g. 2.2 vesion)
# may need to configure your terminal to allow login option
# e.g. /usr/bin/bash --login
rvm install 2.2

# select ruby version (e.g. 2.2.1)
rvm use 2.2

# gem update/install bundler
gem install bundler
gem update bundler

# clone repository 
git clone /path/to/your/git/repo.git local/folder/path

# bundle packages
bundle install

# start server
bundle exec jekyll serve


  • https://pages.github.com/

2016 © Zihan Chen